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Work in groups .'' find someone who''. had a haeadache had a toothache had a tummy ache had a cold had a runny nose had a high temperature had a sore eye had a sore throat had a hand had a leg

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Ответы на вопрос:

Работа в парах. выбрать одно( до словно найти кого нибудь, почему? ) иметь головную боль иметь зубную боль иметь боль в желудке иметь холод иметь больной глаз иметь больное горло иметь больную руку иметь больную ногу

1) have you written the letter to santa? - no, but i will write it by tomorrow 2) have you decided what to do on holidays? - yes, i'm going to visit my grandma and grandpa 3) has she got her presents? - yes, she was very happy to get them 4) have you cooked my favourite  cake yet? - no, but i promise, when you come to me it will be ready 5) has she brought a towel to clean this mess? - yes, here, take it.

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