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The sentences winth perosonal and objest pronouns 1. david is my friend and like very much. 2. "m emilie and this is celine "re from france. 3. in naomi here? this book is for . 4. that"s mr smith "s a great english teacher. 5. that"s a great song! can listen to ? 6.hey, vanessa! where are they? i can"t see . 7.i"ve got a sister likes music. 8. those are my dogs,oscar and ben.i love . 9.i like blue "s my favourite colour.

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1. him 2. i, we 3. her 4. he 5. it 6. them 7. who 8. them 9. it

Itake infomathion in my student book  and  dictionaary. я беру информацию в учебнике   и словаре.

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