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По ? кто 25 compiete the sentences .use a/an,some,any or ho articie 1)do you iike juice? 2)it s sush weathed we are having today! 3)it s sush and boring story!

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) an 2) a 3) a и правильно пишется such, a не sush

Do you know the shortest

to the railway station? way.

2. the supermarket is

the cinema and the museum.outside.

3. john is not in, he is

-, in the garden.south.

4. can you come to the

at 3 a.m., please? airport.

5. the smiths were hungry after their

to the lake district. trip.

6. in summer a lot of people go to the

and spend their holiday

there. between.

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