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1. they have talked/have been talking about it all morning. 2. he's not here because he has been going/has gone to work. he'll be back at 4 o'clock. 3. the children cleaned/have been cleaning the playground yesterday. 4. she has studled/has been studying all day. 5. i worked/have benn working without a break since 8 o'clock 6. i have been walking/walked to the park last week. с объяснением

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. talked. 2. going. 3. have. 4.studied 5. have. 6 walked. объяснение: в 1 уже есть глагол have. во 2 уже есть частица has. в 3 уже есть глагол cleaning. в 4 уже есть частица has. в 5 уже есть глагол working. в 6 прошедшее время, нужен глагол с ed окончанием, т.е. walked. не за что)

  ugra national park  located beside the zhizdra river and has many different and plants found in central russia.the aim of the student expedition was to explore the flora and fauna of their native land and learn more about practical ecology.the student participated in volunteer work such as cleaning the springs and path in the forest,they learn how to put up tents,make a fire,cut wood and cook on an open fire.оne of the students favourite activities was the nightly sing-alongs around the camp fire,  a wonderful way to relax after a long day.   the campres really enjoyed their stay at the eco-camp and  of them said that they hope to go back again next year! .

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