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Circle the correct answer. 1 the tornado was hitting / hit the city and destroyed was destroying many buildings. 2 mark was breaking / broke his leg while he played was playing football with his friends. 3 when they saw /were seeing the snake, they were starting started to run. 4 fatiha wrote / was writing a letter when the lights were going out went out. 5 jason was watching / watched a film on tv when he heard was hearing a deep rumbling noise. 6 saule worked / was working on her computer when the phone rang was ringing.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. hit, destroyed 2. broke, was playing 3. saw, started 4. was writing, went 5. was watching, heard 6. was working, rang

Маша я была на аттракционе и там было так прикольно там были большие горки и аквапарк следующий раз я бы хотела поехать с тобой но там ограниченный возраст и он скоро будет обновляться такчто надо будет подождать а так мне понравилась я ездил со своими друзьями советую тебе тоже там здорово ты можешь взять с собой своих родителей тоже друзей

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