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Переведите на без ошибок. 1. діти часто працюють на шкільних ділянках. 2. вони прийшли до школи вчора. 3. я пишу зараз у зошиті. 4. ми звичайно запрошуємо гостей на вечёрку. 5. учень працює у зошиті зараз. 6. вони виконують завдання. 7. він вивчив вірш вчора. 8. вони намалювали гарну картину минулого тижня. 9. моя сестра говорить дуже гарно. 10. діти відвідали музей вчора.

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1.children often work in school districts. 2.they came to school yesterday. 3. i am writing now in a notebook.4. we usually invite guests to the party.5. a student works in a notebook now.6. they carry out a homework assignment.7. he studied the poem yesterday.8. they painted a good picture last week.9. my sister speaks english very well.10. children visited the museum yesterday.

1. children often work in school districts. 2. they came to school yesterday. 3. i am writing now in a notebook. 4. we usually invite guests to the evening. 5. student work at sositl now 6. they perform homework 7. he studied the poem yesterday. 8. they drew a beautiful picture of last week 9. my sister speaks english very well 10. the children visited the mvaay question yesterday.

1. i am reading now. 2. my mother is cooking dinner. 3. my farther is reparing his car this moment. 4. what are you doing? i am watching tv. 5. my sister is not watching tv now. 6. children are playing in the yard. 7. boys are playing football. 8. teacher is checking  our control work. 9. students are writing test. 10. mike is listening to music.

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