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dear katesorry that i haven’t written you for so long but i was busy all this time.

i have a great news! my parents allowed me to go to italy for two weeks! it was a great time. let me tell you how i spent that amazing journey.

my sister and i stayed in a nice hotel in the centre of rome. the room was convenient and there was a great view from the windows. every day we enjoyed tasty cuisine, had fun at discos and swam in the large pool. during ten days we visited a lot of wonderful places such as colosseum, pantheon, triton fountain. you can’t even imagine how many photos i took! we really appreciated being there because of all the amazing sights and experiences we had.

i could write more but i really need to go. hope we will meet soon.lots of love,samantha

dear kaitlyn,sorry that i haven’t written you for so long but i was busy all this time.

i have a great news! my parents allowed me to go to italy for two weeks! it was a great time. let me tell you how i spent that amazing journey.

my sister and i stayed in a nice hotel in the centre of rome. the room was convenient and there was a great view from the windows. every day we enjoyed tasty cuisine, had fun at discos and swam in the large pool. during ten days we visited a lot of wonderful places such as colosseum, pantheon, triton fountain. you can’t even imagine how many photos i took! we really appreciated being there because of all the amazing sights and experiences we had.

i could write more but i really need to go. hope we will meet soon.lots of love,samantha

[ перевод ]

дорогая кейтлин,извини, что я не писала тебе так долго, но я была занята все это время.

у меня есть отличные новости! мои родители мне съездить в италию на две недели! это было прекрасное время. позволь мне рассказать, как я провела это удивительное путешествие.

моя сестра и я остановились в хорошем отеле в центре рима. в комнате было удобно и там был отличный вид из окон. каждый день мы наслаждались вкусной кухней, веселились на дискотеках и плавали в большом бассейне. за десять дней мы посетили много замечательных мест, таких как колизей, пантеон, фонтан тритона. ты даже не можешь себе представить, сколько фотографий я сделала! мы действительно ценим время, проведенное там, потому что увидели все достопримечательности и получили яркие переживания.

я могла бы написать больше, но мне действительно нужно идти. надеюсь, что мы скоро встретимся.с любовью

Нello, Steve!

How are you?

How are you?Imagine, last Friday, there was a party at school. At the end of the first semester. The assembly hall(where the party was held) was decorated with balloons,ribbons, and posters. There were punch tables.

How are you?Imagine, last Friday, there was a party at school. At the end of the first semester. The assembly hall(where the party was held) was decorated with balloons,ribbons, and posters. There were punch tables.And of course with pizza, sushi, sweets, chips. Near the stage were large speakers. And on the stage itself, they sang, danced,and even showed a mini-performance. By the way,our group performed. We had fun until late at night,and then everyone went home. In general, it was a great party.

How are you?Imagine, last Friday, there was a party at school. At the end of the first semester. The assembly hall(where the party was held) was decorated with balloons,ribbons, and posters. There were punch tables.And of course with pizza, sushi, sweets, chips. Near the stage were large speakers. And on the stage itself, they sang, danced,and even showed a mini-performance. By the way,our group performed. We had fun until late at night,and then everyone went home. In general, it was a great party.Good luck to you!

How are you?Imagine, last Friday, there was a party at school. At the end of the first semester. The assembly hall(where the party was held) was decorated with balloons,ribbons, and posters. There were punch tables.And of course with pizza, sushi, sweets, chips. Near the stage were large speakers. And on the stage itself, they sang, danced,and even showed a mini-performance. By the way,our group performed. We had fun until late at night,and then everyone went home. In general, it was a great party.Good luck to you!See you soon!


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