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Раскрыть скобки, поставив глаголы в форму past simple/затем каждое предложение сделать отрицательным, вопросительным, специальным вопросом. 1. he (play) cricket last sunday. 2. she (break) her cell phone. 3. silvia (cook) breakfast in the morning. 4. we (want) to go outside yesterday. 5. i (understand) your answer. 6. they (bring) the post an hour ago. 7. he (swim) in the river every day last month.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. played 1. he didn't . broke didn't . cooked 3. 't . wanted 4. 't . understood 5. 't understand6. brought 't bring7. swam 't swim1. did ?

5. (so) fry fry get an reg few by reg be by he reg an uh be by hi few

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