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Нужно перевести предложения на : 1. мама хочет, чтобы я учился хорошо. 2. я бы хотела, чтобы ты съел суп. 3. родители обычно предполагают, что их дети будут послушными. 4. он приказал ему прекратить разговор. 5. люди знают его, как прекрасного музыканта.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. mom wants me to study wel 2. i'd like you to eat soup 3. 3. parents usually assume that their children will be obedient. 4. he ordered him to stop the conversation 5. people know him as a wonderful musician.

1. mom wants me to study well. 2. i would like you to eat soup. 3. parents usually assume that their children will be obedient. 4. he ordered him to stop the conversation. 5. people know him as a wonderful musician. )

1)where do you like spending holidays?  

i like to spend my holidays in italy

2)who usually goes with you?  

usually my mother goes with me

3) when do you like spending holidays? why?

i like spend my holidays during summer wacatios, because it's warm and sunny in summer.

4)what do you do on holidays?

on holidays i swim and and play volleyball on the beach.

5)how did you spend your last summer holidays?

my last holidays i spent in spain

6) what did you enjoy doing?

i enjoyed walking along the sea in the evening.

7) what do you think you will do next holidays ?

i think i will visit china

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