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Передайте предложения в passive voice: 1.we asked him about his holidays. 2. they have already discussed the novel. 3. he did not give me his address. 4. she showed him the way to rte metro station 5. he will introduce me to his friends. 6. they are building the bridge over the river. 7. i haven't yet translated the article. 8. we were looking at the man with the great surprise. 9. you will speak about the film at the lessons. 10. the headmistress sent for the pupil's parents. 11. has the secretary typed the letters? - no,she is typing them now.

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Ответы на вопрос:

He was asked about  his holidays.the novel has  already been  discussed.i was not given his address.the way to the metro station  was  shown to him.i will be  introduced to his friends. the bridge over the river is being built.the article hasn't been translated yet.the man was being looked with great surprise by us.the film  will be speaken about at the lessons.the pupil's parents were  sent for by the headmistress.have the letters  been typed by the secretary? -no, they are being typed now

Слово: чья предложение:   whose car is on the streetперевод: чья машина стоит на улицеслово: чей предложение:   whose backpack is against the wall перевод: чей рюкзак лежит у стены слово: кого предложение:   who has been on duty перевод: кого поставили на дежурство

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