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43 сделать отрицательное, вопросительное предложение, специальный вопрос и вопрос к подлежащему к предложениям: 1) everyone was invited me yesterday. 2) he works every day. 3) there are many rivers in russia.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. +) everyone was invited me yesterday. -) no one was invited me yesterday. who invited me yesterday? ? ) was anyone invited me yesterday? 2. +) he works every day. -) he doesn't work every day. how often does he work? ? ) does he work every day? 3. +) there are many rivers in russia. -) there aren't many rivers in russia. in which country there are many rivers? ? ) are there many rivers in russia?

1.                mary …has never gone   to paris, so she’s very excited about her journey.2.                mcdonalds …opened   a new restaurant near my house, but i have not gone   there yet.3.                my father ….. gave up smoking two years ago and he has not smoked   a cigarette since then.4.                she …has .lived in rome for ten years, but she …has..not returned there since she …moved to florence.5.                the postman …has just delivered the letters. here you are, sam! 6.                i ….learned to drive when i was 20, but i …have ..   never enjoyed driving.7.                it …has.. rained since this morning.8.                mum ….. bought   a new type of cheese. do you want to taste it? 9.                luke …has not ridden a motorbike since his accident.10.          i ….. have not heard much of tom lately.11.          what time …. did you go   to the gym yesterday? i ….. didn’t see   you.

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