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Переведите без переводчика на ! 1. книжные полки и его комната покрыты пылью. 2. этого ребенка никогда не учили, как себя вести со взрослыми. 3. торт все еще печется, тебе придется подождать. 4. преступник не был найден. все еще велось расследование. 5. я не знаю, кем было основано это компания. 6. новый роман шелдона отлично читается. мне рекомендовал его мой дядя. 7. соне предложили купить красивую и удобную пижаму. она хорошо стирается и не мнется. 8. если ему скажут что она его бросила его сердце будет разбито. 9. вся мебель в доме моих родителей сделана из натурального дерева. 10. в языке одно и то же слово часто пишется и произносится по разному.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the bookshelves and his room are covered in dust.  2. this child has never been taught how to behave with adults.  3. the cake is still baking, youll have to wait.  4. the culprit was never found. there was still an investigation.5. i don't know who founded this company.  6. sheldon's new novel is perfectly legible. my uncle recommended it to me.  7. sona offered to buy a beautiful and pajamas. it is well erased and does not crumple.  8. if they tell him she left him, his heart will be broken.9. all the furniture in my parents house is made of natural wood.  10. in english  the same word is often spelled and pronounced differently.

After my hard and busy school year my summer holidays began. i felt happy and began to plan a lot of wonderful things to do during my summer vacation. i was dreaming about southern countries i always wanted to visit. for example i dreamed to visit greek islands or beaches in singapore. but i had to go to the azov seaside with my relatives. the water was very warm there because the azov sea isn’t deep. there were a lot of beautiful fair trees and bushes there. there were different kinds of entertainments there. some kinds of water mountains and water scooters and discos. there was nothing to do all day except lying in the sun and get a wonderful tan. i was playing with my little sister on the sand and in the waves teaching her to swim. later on i returned to kherson and spent some time in town going out with my friends, reading, listening to music, watching tv, playing computer games. after that i went to the sports camp where i spent seven days with my friends. it was very useful experience for us because we had to get up very early, to train a lot, and to rest very little. but it made us stronger and healthier. i was very happy to return home and to spend several days in my summer cottage, i helped my grandpa to take care of the garden, to water plants, and to gather fruits and vegetables. sometimes my grandpa and me were fishing and cooking fish together. numerous insects were really annoying though. i was enjoying sailing in the boat, swimming in the river and helping my grandparents. during my summer holidays i made many new friends and read a lot of interesting books. i got to know a lot of useful things. now i feel ready to get back to school. i am happy to meet my friends  and teachers.

Популярно: Английский язык