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Перевести предложения на в present simple или в present continuous. 1) лена иди в комнату, телефон звонит 2)я вхожу в комнату, но меня никто не видит, все заняты: мама накрывает на стол, отец включает телевизор, сестра режет хлеб. 3)куда ты идешь? я иду в колледж 4)ты часто ходишь в кино? 5) ты любишь кошек?

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1) lena, go to the room, the phone is ringing. 2) i'm entering the room, but no one sees me, everyone is busy: mom is laying the table, dad is turning on the tv, sis is cuttin the bread 3) where are you going? i'm going to the colledge. 4) do you go to the cinema often? 5) do you like cats?

In the year 4 seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. each season lasts 3 months. the spring months are march, april and may. in the spring the weather is sunny and warm. the trees appear green leaves. nature comes to life. the summer months are june, july and august. summers are hot, the weather is beautiful. the sky is clear, the long days and short nights. in summer, you can spend time on the sea. autumn months are september, october and november. the days are getting shorter, often rains. the leaves on the trees turn yellow and fall off. everything freezes. winter months are december, january and february. the days are getting shorter and the nights longer. in the winter cold, snowing. occasionally the sun shines. in winter, a lot of holidays. my favorite winter holiday is new year.

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