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Present simple or present continuous mary )to schiller but today )a bike to school tom )tennis but today he )basketball they )tv but today )a party. he )but today ) i )tea but today )milk )her grandmother now.)her grandmother every week. )the car now but his father )it. fred is a fireman.)a big red fire engine and he )fires. now )water onto the fire.)a helmet.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Mary usually__walks__to schiller but today she__ is riding __a bike to school tom usually__plays__tennis but today he __ is playing__basketball they but today they__are having__a party. he today he__is fishing__i but today drinking__milk grandmother now.she__visits__her grandmother every week. cleaning__the car now but his father .fred is a fireman.he__ drives__a big red fire engine and he __fights__fires.now is puting__water onto the fire.he__wears__a helmet. на свой страх и риск!

1wals (usually) 2 riding (today) p.s сомневаюсь 3 plays 4 playing 5 watch 6 having 7 swims 8 fishing 9 drink 10 drinking 11 visiting 12 visits 13 cleaning 14 cleans 15 drives 16 fights 17 putting 18 wears p.s сомневаюсь

11. watches

12. am writing

13. watches

14. play


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