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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в past simple или past continuous. they (to drink) tea when i (to come) home. he (to walk) along the river when a boat (to pass). the old man (to think) about his plan when he (to fall) asleep. we (to listen) to an interesting lecture yesterday. when i (to enter) the classroom, the teacher (to write) words on the blackboard and the pupils (to copy) them into their exercise-books. they (to get) ready to go out when it (to begin) raining. yesterday at one o'clock i (to have) lunch at the canteen. when he (to come) in, i (to do) my exercises. what you (to do) at eight o'clock yesterday? at this time yesterday i (to go) home. you (to sleep) when i (to go) out. he (to read) on the sofa when i (to come) in and (to sit) down beside him. i (to walk) along the street with my friend when a tram (to pass). she (to look) out of the window when i (to see) her. we (to answer) the teacher's questions when the headmistress (to enter) the classroom.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Were drinking, came, was walking, passed, was thinking, fell, listened, entered, was writing, were copying, were getting, began, was having, came, was doing, what were you doing, was going, were sleeping, went, was reading, came, sat, was walking, passed, was looking, saw, were answering, entered. 

1. we had got to the supermarket before it was closed. 2. we had got home before it began to rain . 3. my mother had cooked dinner before she went shopping. 4. helen had tried a lot of jackets before she bought one. 5. they had bought fruits and vegetables before the greengrocer’s was opened. 6. i had bought a present for my mother before my father asked me about it . 7. he had tried on a wind -breaker before he bought it . 8. i had gone window-shopping before i entered one of the department stores .

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