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Составить программу вычисления значение функции y=x+3*x

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4,8(55 оценок)

Program ex1; uses crt; var x, y: integer; begin  read(x);   writeln(x+3*x);   readkey(); end.
4,4(84 оценок)

Ms dos qbasic 1.0 dim n as integer cls input "n=", n redim a(1 to n) as integer dim a as integer randomize timer for i = 1 to n     a(i) = 9 * rnd + 1     print a(i); next i print ' sort dim j as integer, t as integer for i = 1 to n     for j = 1 to n           if a(i) < a(j) then                 t = a(i): a(i) = a(j): a(j) = t           end if     next j next i ' t = a(1): j = 1 for i = 2 to n     if a(i) = t then           j = j + 1     else           print t; "-"; j           t = a(i): j = 1     end if next i print t; "-"; j пример n=10   7  5  2  7  3  3  5  9  7  6   2 - 1   3 - 2   5 - 2   6 - 1   7 - 3   9 - 1

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