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Good morning sir. how can i help you? i m looking for a shirt. the shirts are over here. any particular colour? a blue one,please. what size are you? i m a size 16 collar. what about thhis one? that s fine. thank you. you re welcome! how much is it? that s 15 , please. here you are. thank you. have a nice day можно составить к этому диалогу свой напишите лень писать

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Good evening sir. we are glad to see you. how can i help you? i m looking for a coat.the coats are over here. any particular colour? a grey one,please.would you like a dark grey or light colour? a light grey one, please.what size are you? i m a size 18 collar.what about this one? that s fine. thank you.you re welcome! how much is it? that s 45, please.here you are.thanks a lot!   have a good evening! all the best!

Education is very important in our life.in the russian federation the school education is compulsory. originally russian education starts from the early age. pupils began to go to school at the age of six or seven till sixteen or eighteen.compulsory education in russia is presented by three types of school: primary, secondary, high.  when pupils complete high grades they can  continue to study at school for more 2 years. when school pupils leave school they can try to continue their education in colleges  or universities.

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