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V. choose the appropriate modal verb. 1. john go to the dentist because he had a toothache. a) must b) should c) had to 2. you stay in the foreign country longer than your visa allows. a) needn't b) mustn't c) shouldn't 3. we help our granny to do the housework. a) should b) may c) are able to 4. at the airport your luggage be lost. a) must b) can c) should 5. you talk aloud in the reading-hall. a) can't b) mustn't c) needn't 6. cats see very well in the dark. a) should b) have to c) can

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1.b)should 2.a)needn't 3.c)are able to 4.b)can 5.c)needn't 6.c)can

1)a. потому, что мы сравниваем "твою" машину с машиной друга 2)c. потому, что мы говорим, что она самая умная 3)a. тоже самое, что и в 1-ом 4)a. такое же как 1 и 3 5)a.такое же как и 2

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