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Нужно составить всего 8 предложений со словами: law, government, responsible, hunt, damage, unfortunately, recycle, necessary. не повторяться! 30 . предложения желательно с переводом.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.  non-muslims are governed exclusively by  civil law. ( на лиц, не являющихся мусульманами, распространяется исключительно  гражданское право. )2.  subsequently rwanda underwent a period of transitional  government. ( с тех пор в руанде завершился этап, на протяжении которого страной руководило переходное  правительство .)3.  governments do not socialize youngsters into  responsible  citizens. ( правительства не делают из подростков граждан,  ответственно   относящихся к жизни.)4.  a wife i could  hunt  with. ( жена, с которой я мог бы  охотиться .)5.  the attack caused  damage  to civilian property. ( в результате этого нападения нанесен  ущерб  собственности гражданского населения.)6.  very few answers were received,  unfortunately. (к сожалению , мало стран ответили на эти письма.)7.  we could  recycle  our waste into clean drinking water. ( мы бы могли  перерабатывать   наши отходы в чистую питьевую воду.)8.  you can download the  necessary   form here. (вы можете скачать обязательный формуляр здесь.)

Iwas very responsible when it came to staying with my little brother at home. people need to resycle everything. all people have a law that they cannot break. we have a government that controls the power of the country. hunters hunt in the forest for animals. it was a bad idea to damage the school property. unfortunately we had to come back home from a lack of good weather.

1. — they’ve just bought a new car. they haven't just bought a new car. have they just bought a new car?

2. — barbara has moved into a new flat— barbara hasn't moved into a new flat. has barbara moved into a new flat?

3. — i have passed the exam. i haven't passed the exam. have i passed the exam?

4. — david has grown a beard. — david hasn't grown a beard. has david grown a beard?

5. — michael has just returned from america. — michael hasn't just returned from america. has michael just returned from america?

6. — he has just given up smoking. — he hasn't just given up smoking. has he just given up smoking?

7. — we’ve bought a dog. we haven't bought a dog. have we bought a dog?

8. — nick has already fed his rabbit. has nick already fed his rabbit? nick hasn't already fed his rabbit.

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