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Ответьте на следующие вопросы: 1. have you ever seen your father cook? 2. have you ever seen your mother play football? 3. have you ever seen your grandmother dance? 4. have you ever heard your friend speak chinese? 5. have you ever heard your father shout at his colleagues? 6. have you ever noticed your mother wear a short skirt? 7. have you ever noticed your friend hide anything from you? 8. have you ever seen anybody swim in the river in winter? 9. have you ever heard anybody sing opera arias at home? 10. have you ever watched anybody chat in internet three days without any interval?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.  yes, i saw how my father cooked. he often prepares dinner. 2.  no, because my mom does not like football. 3.  yes, she often dances on holidays. 4.  yes, very often, since his grandfather comes from china. 5.  no, dad never shout at his colleagues in my presence. 6.  no, my mom does not like short skirts, she prefers skirts to the  knee. 7.  no, we have very open and warm relations.  8.  yes, it was a company of young people. 9.  yes, i heard my sister singing, and i think that she's doing well. 10.  yes, it was my friend, i do not understand why she did not answer.

1) he doesn't get away.он не уйдёт (не сбежит).2) please, get back in room, вернись в комнату3) i can't even  get off  this islandя даже не могу уйти с этого острова.4) get on that horse, kateзабирайся на лошадь, кейт5) we get along so wellмы хорошо ладим6) i have to get over itя должен
преодолеть это7) so, what time you wanna get together later? итак, во сколько ты хочешь встретиться? и еще, тебе нужен перевод?

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