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Translate from russian into english. дорогая наташа, извини, что долго не писала, но мы только что вернулись из нью-йорка, где были в небольшом отпуске. полет прошел довольно приятно, хотя мы и приземлились на час позже. затем еще час нам пришлось прождать в аэропорту из-за проверки. наконец, мы вышли из аэропорта и сели в поезд манхеттена. я волновалась, так как это моя первая поездка в америку. в последующие дни мы посетили много разных мест на манхеттене и еще были в бруклине. поскольку антон обожает искусство, мы провели целый день в музее современного искусства (the museum of modern art), и, несмотря на длинную очередь, нам удалось подняться на эмпайер стейт билдинг (the empire state building). что касается транспорта, то мы везде ездили на такси, так как такси в нью-йорке не дорогое. поесть вечером в городе также не составляет труда, потому что там много дешевых ресторанов. а на ланч мы обычно ходили в кафе, где можно выпить чашку кофе и съесть еще и сэндвич. хотя наше пребывание было непродолжительным, нью-йорк мне действительно понравился. антону там тоже понравилось, так что мы решили поехать туда еще в следующем году. надеюсь скоро получить от тебя ответ, с любовью, анна

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Ответы на вопрос:

Dear natasha. sorry that i did not write for a long time, but we just returned from new york, where we were on a small vacation. the flight was quite nice, even though we landed an hour later. then another hour we had to wait at the airport because of the check. finally, we left the airport and boarded the manhattan train. i was very worried, since this is my first trip to america. in the following days we visited many different places in manhattan were still in brooklyn.  because anton loves art, we spent a whole day at the museum of modern art, and, despite the long queue, we managed to climb the empire state building. as for transport, we went everywhere by taxi, since a taxi in new york is not very expensive. eating in the evening in the city is also not difficult, because there are many cheap restaurants. and for lunch, we usually went to a cafe where you can have a cup of coffee and eat another sandwich. though our stay was short, i really liked new york city. anton is there too much, so we decided to go there again next year. i hope soon to receive from you the answer, with love, anna.

Dear natasha, i'm sorry i didn't write for so long, but we just got back from new york where we were on a little vacation. the flight was quite nice, even though we landed an hour late. then another hour we had to wait at the airport because of the check. finally, we left the airport and got on a train in manhattan. i was very worried because this is my first trip to america. in the following days we visited many different places in manhattan and were still in brooklyn. because anton loves art, we spent the whole day at the museum of modern art (the museum of modern art), and despite the long queue, we managed to climb the empire state building (the empire state building). as regards transport, we went everywhere by taxi, as the taxis in new york are not very expensive. eating in the evening in the city is also not difficult, because there are many cheap restaurants. and for lunch, we usually went to a cafe where you can have a cup of coffee and eat another sandwich. although our stay was short, i really liked new york city. anton is there too much, so we decided to go there again next year. i hope soon to receive from you the answer, with love, anne

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