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Определите время и залог: 1)surgery is sometimes required to rebuild the bone that has been destroyed. 2)on examination you will be asked a lot of questions on your habits and be given thorough examination of your oral cavity. 3) surgical operations on teeth and the oral cavity have been known since ancient times. 4) periapical radiographs are always taken to check for a root fracture. 5) currently the light activated glass ionomer products are being used extensively as lines. 6) the dentist was brought all the sterilized instruments and the operation began. 7) that calcium hydroxide possesses a strong antibacterial capacity has already been recognized at the time of its introduction. 8) healing of periradicular inflammation may not take place until all bacteria have been eliminated from the root canal system. 9) the proteins of the fibrils and dentinal matrix are being metabolized largely by pyogenic organisms giving rise to poisonous end products swallowed by the patient. 10)a new ultrasound device has been designed to treat an infected tooth without causing any pain.

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1) is  required (present simple passive);   has been destroyed (present perfect passive)2) will be asked  and be given (future simple passive) 3) have been known (present perfect passive) 4) are taken (present simple passive) 5) are being used (present progressive passive)6) was brought (past simple passive); began (past simple active) 7) possesses (present simple active); has already been recognized (present perfect passive)8) have been eliminated (present perfect passive) 9) are being metabolized (present progressive passive)10) has been designed (present perfect passive)

    kate is a pupil of the 3rd form. she goes to school 5 days a week. saturday and sunday are her days off. there are different subjects on the timetable. her favorite subjects are reading and music. kate isn't good at doing sums and she has some problems with english. when her lessons are over, she goes for a walk with her granny. twice a week she goes to the dancing club. 

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