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Составить текст по : я живу в городе нижний новгород на проспекте ленина в большом доме на седьмом этаже. моя квартира номер сто тридцать семь. она имеет три комнаты, кухню и ванную комнату. один раз мы с мамой шли с прогулки. стали ждать лифт. когда мы зашли в него, стали подниматься , он застрял. мы сорок минут ждали механика. они пришел и выпустил нас.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ilive in the city of nizhny novgorod on lenin avenue in a big house on the seventh floor. my apartment number is one hundred and thirty-seven. it has three rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. once we went with my mother from a walk. the elevator began to wait. when we went into it, they started to climb, it got stuck. we waited forty minutes for the mechanic. they came and released us.

Ilive in nizhny novgorod on lenin avenue in a big house on the seventh floor. my apartment number one hundred and thirty-seven. it has three rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. once my mother and i went hiking. have to wait for the elevator. when we got into it, began to rise , it got stuck. we waited forty minutes for the mechanic. they came and let us out

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