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Закончите вопросы в сортветсвии с данными ответами. post boxes in moscow? -they're blue. your flat? -not far from the centre. you? -fine,thanks. ? -it's my bag. your occupation? -i'm a student. jane -she's very friendly.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. what colour are boxes in moscow? - they're blue. 2. where is your flat? - not far from the centre. 3. how are you? - fine, thanks. 4. whose bag is it? - it's my bag. 5. what is your occupation? - i'm a student.

Do you play football? he isn't play football he can read could she read? he can't read i am going to school is he going to school? she isn't going to school

Популярно: Английский язык