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Present continios записать предложения в утвердительной форе,отрицательной,вопросительной. 1)папа смотрит телевизор сейчас. 2)моя сестра ест яблоко в данный момент. 3) мы играем в теннис сейчас. 4)моя собака плавает сейчас. 5)мы идем в кино данный момент.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Я, конечно, не , но : 1) father (dad) is watching tv now. father is not watching tv now. is father watching tv now? 2) my sister is eating an apple in the moment. my sister is not eating an apple in the moment. is my sister eating an apple in the moment? 3) we are playing on tennis now. we are not playing on tennis now. are we playing on tennis now? 4) my dog is swimming now. my dog is not swimming now. is my dog swimming now? 5) we are going to the cinema in the moment. we are not going to the cinema in the moment. are we going to the cinema in the moment. думаю, проще в переводчике набрать, т.к. в своем ответе я не уверенна good luck!

1  а  2 a, 3 d, 4 b.


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