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What is the difference between the following words? write the definitions. 1) disappeared / inactive / extinct 2) litter / rubbish / waste 3) crew / team / staff

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) 1. disappeared -  -  to no  longer  exist: 2.  inactive-  doing nothing3. extinct-  not now  existing.2)1. litter  - small  pieces  of  rubbish  that have been  left  lying  on the  ground in  public  places2.  rubbish  -  waste  material  or things that are no  longer wanted  or  needed3.  waste  -  an  unnecessary  or  wrong  use of  money,  substances,  time,energy,  abilities, etc3)  1.crew  -  a  group  of  people  who  work  together,  especially  all those who  work  on and  operate  a  ship,  aircraft, etc2.  team  -  a  number  of  people  or  animals  who do something together as a  group3.  staff- t he  group  of  people  who  work  for an  organization

1. 3 (1) burn, scratch, broken leg, accident, ambulance.)

2. 2 (1) to bang/bump one`s head, to hurt one`s back, to twist an ankle, to sprain one`s wrist, to chip one`s tooth

3. 2 (burn, cut, hurt)

4. 1 (hurt, burn,twisted)

5.  1.B

2. F

3. D

4. E

5. A

6. G

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