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Vii. напишите специальный вопрос к каждому предложению по образцу. 1. bob played the piano very well. (how…) – how did bob play the piano? 2. the teacher gave the boy a good mark for english. (who…) – 3. he opened the window a moment ago. (what…) – 4. they went to the cinema last time. (where…) – 5. we visited granny last summer. (when…) -

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Ответы на вопрос:

2. who gave the boy a good mark for english? 3. what did he open a moment ago? 4. where did they go last time? 5. when did they visit granny?

1the work was finished a few hours ago 2 articles will be translated 6: 00 pm zna my question answered very quickly4 apples are washed in hot water. then they are cut and put on a plate 5 the hotel is very beautiful it was built in the 19th century 6 letter just brought. 7this only drove the washing machine this is a good news 8 the house was built several years ago 9 the car was bought last year 10 the problem was quickly discussed, then decided to go to the cafe 11 buy another cake, this one will be eaten in 5 minutes 12kot was punished for eating mom's flower.

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