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1. choose the correct item. 1. ben was looking forward to starting/ to start his new job at the animal shelter. 2. i can’t stand to hear/ hearing about needless suffering. 3. he will never forget to see/ seeing the eiffel tower for the first time. 4. the teacher made him writing/ write his essay again. 5. my brother agreed helping/ to help me clean the garage. 6. i can hear the children talk/ talking. they must still be awake. 7. remember to lock/ locking the door when you are leave the house. 8. countries should to support/support families living under the poverty line. 9. tom is very anxious about passing/ pass the exam. 10. judy didn’t let her children to go/go underwater diving. 11. they are tired of live/ living in the dirty, noisy city, so they’ve decided to move to the countryside. 12. sarah stopped to work/working on this project a month ago. 2. circle the correct answer. translate the sentences. 1. unfortunately, the match was called … due to bad weather. a out b off c on 2. the … rain caused the driver to lose control of his car and crash into a tree. a massive b huge c heavy 3. the dodo became … in 1681. a inactive b disappeared c extinct 4. the rain isn’t that bad; it’s only … . a howling b drizzling c roaring 5.tons of toxic … is produced by the factory each year. a waste b litter c rubbish 6. why don’t you call … my sister while you’re in rome? a on b for c in 7. i’m tired of breathing car exhaust … every time i walk around the city. a fog b smoke c fumes 8. thousands … their lives each year in natural disasters. a waste b lose c miss

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. to start 2. hearing 3. to see 4. write 5. to help 6. talking 7. to lock 8. support 9. passing 10. go 11. living 12. working 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. a 7. c 8. b

Ландан-зе сити оф дримс, вэри дримс гоу ту эни травелэр. зе бритиш кэпитал, вич стричес элонг зе бэнкс оф зе тэймос, этракс туирист зе энкай флэвар а чарэктэристик ит ландан атрэкшион локатед трохаунд хе сити ту си эт лэст э вик. атрэкшион тн ландан- ис нот онли биилдинг, мьюсимс, скьюрэес энд бьютифол гарденс, бат элсо модерн скайскрэпетс энд шопинг энд энтэртеимант комплекс. ин зе бритиш кэпитал ис зе маст экспайс риал эстете он зе плэнет, зе экващтионс оф вифч- э мэтер оф хоноч фор эни селф-рэспектинг милионэир

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