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Выберите: we am/is/are from russia. she am/is/are lazy. how many/much oranges are there in the bag? how many/much butter is there in the fridge? a tiger is tall/tallest than a dog. he is the shorter/shortest in the class. was/were the cake for robbie’s birthday? larry and lulu was/were at the zoo last night? gary and diane never go/are going to school together. she is visiting/visited the zoo yesterday. he is visiting/ will visit his cousin next weekend. look! they are playing/play a game.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.are 2.is 3.many 4.much 5.taller 6. shortest 7.was 8.were 9.are 10.visited 11.will visit 12.playing.

1) are 2) is 3) many 4)much 5) taller 6) shortest 7) was 8) were 9) are 10) visited 11) will visit 12) playing

men, women - множественное число

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