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Переведите на колизей - грандиозный амфитеатр в риме, одно из самых знаменитых сооружений античности. 1)это подлинный символ вечного города и одна из его главных достопримечательностей. колизей правильно называть амфитеатром флавиев - по имени династии императоров, при которой построили эту громаду. 2) колизей выполнен в форме гигантского эллипса. это самый большой амфитеатр античности, поражающий своими размерами. 3)стены колизея построены из больших кусков травертина. амфитеатр имел множество входов и выходов. нижние ряды были предназначены для богатых. люди попроще занимали верхние ряды. для защиты от палящего римского солнца были предусмотрены мачты, на которые натягивали гигантский тент.

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The colosseum is a grand amphitheater in rome, one of the most famous buildings of antiquity. 1) it is a true symbol of the eternal city and one of its main attractions. the colosseum is correctly called the flavian amphitheater - by the name of the dynasty of emperors, in which this community was built. 2) the coliseum is made in the form of a giant ellipse. it is the largest amphitheater of antiquity, striking in its dimensions.3) the walls of the colosseum are built of large pieces of travertine. the amphitheater had many entrances and exits. the lower ranks were meant for the rich. people took the upper ranks more easily. to protect themselves from the scorching roman sun, masts were provided for which a giant awning was stretched.

“The work, as they say, turned the monkey into a man. Although many people doubt this now, the fact remains that a person really cannot exist without work. After all, this is a life that has any meaning. It seems to me that the more a person works, the more he feels his value, feels that he is needed not only by himself and his loved ones, but by the whole society.After all, work brightens our life, gives us the opportunity to learn something every day.

Work is independence, it is a feeling of independence from others. When you receive remuneration or money for your work, you feel not only satisfaction from what you can now spend on something, but also the joy of being your own master.

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