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Greyer или more grey? как пишется,и почему?

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Greyer, т. к. односложное прилагательное.

Shopping is a modern tendency as it is impossible to live in the contemporary world and not to visit shops. despite the existence of markets, most of the population of every country  nowadays prefers to purchase  everything necessary in the shops. even the residents of the smallest faraway villages at least once a month visit shops: they can’t live without products, household detergents, equipment, devices etc. speaking about the citizens of rather big cities shops are an integral part of their life. they are located everywhere and each person spends a pretty penny there as there are so many temptations. i am not an exception and can admit that i am a real spender. i love shopping no matter what i buy and how much i spend. it is so pleasant to get an item, which you have been wishing to obtain for some time, and at last you receive it. but not every my purchase is a real bargain, so i always try to do my best in choosing the next goods.being a mother of a small child and a wife i have to do my shopping at least once a week. the goods i buy are very diverse and are sold in different shops. supermarkets, stalls and small local shops are usually visited by me in order to buy  products of the week list. i choose the local butcher’s to get fresh meat, the greengrocer’s – to provide my family with fresh juicy fruit and vegetables, the baker’s – to taste fragrant bread and pastry and the corner shop to buy everything i have not included into my list, but need urgently.будучи матерью маленького ребенка и женой, я должна сделать мои покупки как минимум раз в неделю. товары я покупаю разнообразные, и они в разных магазинах. супермаркеты, ларьки и небольшие местные магазины я обычно посещаю, чтоб покупать товары из еженедельного списка. я выбираю местного мясника, чтобы получить свежее мясо, овощную лавку – чтоб предоставить моей семье свежие сочные фрукты и овощи, пекаря – чтоб попробовать душистый хлеб и кондитерские изделия и магазин на углу, чтобы купить все, что я не включила в мой список, но это понадобилось.supermarket is  another place visited by our family, where we buy goods. usually we come there in order to save some money and buy products on sale or with special discounts. and now i realize that this marketing strategy works ideally as there has never been a situation when we left the shop only with cheap products. the assortment is so various that you can not pass by something tasty. also supermarkets have one more outweighing benefit: you are allowed to choose  the item by yourselfисправлено:   the item yourself. it is very valuable especially for mothers with infants, as they wish to buy fresh products for their kids, especially the dairy ones, and they are able to choose the items with the latest expiry date.

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