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Составьте 9 предложений (на ) из слов: imaginable(воображаемый), respectable(респектабельный), readable(удобочитаемый), breakable(ломкий, хрупкий), movable(движимое). (able- это суффикс делающий из глагола в прилагательное) whiteness(белизна), illness(болезнь), politeness(вежливость), weakness(слабость). (ness- это суффикс делающий из прилагательного в существительное) сделайте, ! буду !

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Ответы на вопрос:

The meridian is an imaginable linehe had a respectable appearance in this book a very readable fontglass is a very fragile substancewe do not have a tax on movable propertythis paper has a whiteness of whitenesshe has an incurable illnesspoliteness is a good trait of a personhe felt bad and had a weakness

1. i've known this doctor for five years. he was always attentive to his patients. 2. today he worked hard all day. when he comes home from work, he will go to bed and fall asleep immediately. 3. look how beautiful she is! she bought a new dress and put on high-heeled shoes. 4. do not make noise! in the next room children: they try to sleep. 5. tomorrow from seven to nine she will be at the theater. she will watch a new play. 6. i can not go to the disco bar with you. my younger brother hid the keys to the door and i can not find them. 7. we will see them tomorrow at three. we agreed to meet last week. 8. i think i've met these people before. i remembered! we met two months ago, when i was in kiev. 9. do you think she'll like my gift? if he does not like it, i will feel uncomfortable. 10. he could not sleep until morning. all night he thought about the girl he had met with his friends. 11. my younger sister is now in her room. she sits by the window and dreams of the dress she saw in the shop window. 12. the children were talking loudly. but when the teacher entered the classroom, they stopped talking. he never stayed at this hotel. it's very expensive here. why did he stop here this time? 13. last night i went home and met my friend. he just returned home. he was in london on business. 14. i'm not sure that they will agree to go for a walk. if they do not agree, we will go to the park ourselves.

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