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proboscis dog is a very rare creature that belongs to the mammal family of hoppers.to close relatives of the animal are small rodents, but distant relatives are elephants and sea serena.in nature, proboscis dogs live 4-5 years. they spend all their life on ground. in the evening they hunt on insects, and at night sleep in a kind of nests that construct themselves out of grass and twigs in a small earthen hole.but in captivity they contain is realy difficult – they are very bad getting used to the change of habitats and capricious in food. even if you can grow a baby from an early age, he is still a wild.proboscis dog is in danger because of the people. people destroy their habitats. in kenya and tanzania there are sanctuaries which is home to proboscis.organization iucn brought proboscis dog in the red book and banned hunting them.

хоботковая собачка петерса на третьем месте по редкости. это существо принадлежит к млекопитающим семейства прыгунчиковых.в природе хоботковые собачки живут 4-5 лет. всю жизнь проводят на земле: днем охотятся на насекомых, а на ночь устраиваются в своеобразных гнездах, которые сооружают самостоятельно из травы и веточек в небольшой земляной ямке.но в неволе их содержать крайне трудно – они плохо привыкают к смене мест обитания и капризны в еде. даже если удается вырастить малыша с раннего возраста, он все равно остается диким и совершенно не признает своего хозяина.причиной вымирания хоботковой собачки является вырубка лесов.в кении и танзании есть заповедники где обитают хоботковые.а организация iucn занесла хоботковую собачку в красную книгу и запретила охоту на них.

lisa - a poor peasant girl. she lives with her mother ("sensitive, kind old lady") in the village. to earn a living, lisa takes on any job. in moscow, selling flowers, the heroine meets a young nobleman erast and falls in love with him, "he totally surrendering, they just lived and breathed." but erast betrays her and for the money to marry another. learning of this, lisa is fired in a pond. the main feature in the character of the heroine - the sensitivity, the ability to faithfully love. woman does not live by reason and feelings ("tender passion"). lisa good, very naive and inexperienced. she sees only the good people. mother warns her: "you do not know how bad people can hurt the poor girl." wicked mother lisa connects with the city: "i always have the heart out of place when you walk in the city " karamzin bad shows changes in thought and deed lisa influenced corrupt ("city"), erastus. woman hides from his mother, which had previously told all, his love for a young nobleman. later, lisa, along with the news of his death, the old woman sent the money, which she gave erast. "liza's mother heard about the terrible death of her daughter, and - eyes closed forever." after the death of the heroine to her grave began walking pilgrims. to the place of death of lisa came to weep and mourn such a poor girl in love, what was she.

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