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In pairs speak about your pet or a pet you would like to have

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Как вариант: -hi,jack. -hello, nancy. -how are you today? -i feel like happy.my parents gift me a dog. -wow,that is cool.how you called your dog? -i called him nick. -ohh,i would like to have a pet too. -hope you will get it,becouse then we can play together. -i will try to ask my parents for a gift. -good luck,jack.see you later! -thank you,nancy.see you!

Hi, (Имя друга)

How are you? We will celebrate the New Year soon and so I want to tell you about our traditional family dish.

Olivier salad is a traditional salad dish in Russian cuisine. It is also very popular in other European countries.Traditionally it is made with diced boiled potatoes, carrots, pickles, green peas, boiled eggs, onions,and diced boiled chicken (or, sometimes, ham). The salad is dressed with mayonnaise.

The original version of the salad was invented in the 1860s by a Belgian chef, Lucien Olivier. At that time he worked in Hermitage, one of Moscow’s most celebrated restaurants. The salad very quickly became a specialty dish which everyone wanted to try.

The exact recipe, particularly that of the dressing, was kept a secret. Today’s popular version of Olivier salad only faintly resembles Olivier’s original creation. It is known as a version of Ivanov’s "Stolichny salad".


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