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Did you write this letter, chloe? i did not understand, can you repeat it? kim did not break the window. oh yes, i did see michael today at the hospital. i don't think lara did wash her hands before

Today I want to tell you about my hobby. My hobby is dancing. I started dancing when I was So I have been dancing for 6 years. There are a lot of dance styles, but I chose ballroom dancing. I like it because it’s really beautiful. Dancers look so great in their fine costumes and they move wonderfully. When I only started to dance, it didn’t go well. I found out that in order to get a good result you have to train a lot. I have my lessons three times a week. For the first half a year my dance moves were not good. But then I pulled myself together. I rehearsed a lot both in the ballroom and at home. And soon my moves started to look better. І скоро рухи почали виходити набагато краще.

15. After a couple of years of having dance lessons I started to take part in different concerts and contests. Після декількох років занять бальними танцями я почала приймати участь в концертах та конкурсах.

16. And I believe I looked really well in my marvelous ballroom dresses! І я думаю, я виглядала чудово в своїх шикарних сукнях.

17. I’m happy that I can dance. Я щаслива, що вмію танцювати.

18. It gives me such a joy to dance cha-cha-cha or slow waltz, rumba or tango. Це таке задоволення для мене - танцювати ча-ча-ча або повільний вальс, румбу або танго.

19. As for me, I prefer latin dances, but still all 10 ballroom dances are great and interesting. Взагалі, я більше люблю танцювати латину, але всі танців класні та цікаві.

20. I hope to continue to dance in future. Я сподіваюсь, що продовжу танцювати в майбутньому.

21. I have a dream – to take part in some world ballroom dance tournament. У мене є мрія - прийняти участь у якомусь світовому турнірі з бальних танців.

22. And I hope it will come true


Today I want to tell you about my hobby. My hobby is dancing. I started dancing when I was 5.So I have been dancing for 6 years. There are a lot of dance styles, but I chose ballroom dancing. Dancers look so great in their fine costumes and they move wonderfully. When I only started to dance, it didn’t go well. I found out that in order to get a good result you have to train a lot. I have my lessons three times a week. For the first half a year my dance moves were not good. But then I pulled myself together. I rehearsed a lot both in the ballroom and at home. And soon my moves started to look better. After a couple of years of having dance lessons I started to take part in different concerts and contests.

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