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Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в нужные формы страдательного залога. 1. many guests (be) invited to my birthday-party next sunday. 2. these flowers (water) every day. 3. these vegetables (stew) for along time already. 4. why the potatoes (not/peel) yet? 5. the order (make) and the dishes (bring) in ten minutes. 6. water melons (serve) for dessert tomorrow. 7. this dining room (use) only on special occasions. 8. these beverages (make) from berries and sugar. 9. the children (take) to the milk bar tomorrow. 10. much fish (sell) in our shop yesterday. 11. this thick soup (make) from vegetables. 12.the guests (be) served very well now. 13. meat (sell) at the butcher's. 14. this table (not/to be) served yesterday. 15. table d'hote dishes (served) for dinner tomorrow. 16. these chicken usually (roast) on the grill. 17. restaurant specialties (serve) for dinner tomorrow. 18. ice cream (serve) for dessert every day. 19. many new restaurants (open) in moscow every 'year

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Many guests will be invited to my birthday party next sunday. these flowers are watered every day. these vegetables have been stewed for along time already. why haven't the potatoes peeled yet? the order will be made and the dishes will be brought in ten minutes. watermelons will be served for dessert tomorrow . this dining room is used only on special occasion. these beverages are made from vegetables. the guests are being served very well now. the children will be taken to the milk bar tomorrow. much fish was sold in our shop yesterday. this table wasn't served yesterday. table d'hotes dishes will be served for dinner tomorrow. these chicken is usually roasted on the grill. restaurant specialties will be served for dinner tomorrow. ice cream is served for dessert every day. many new restaurants are opened in moscow every' year.

plans for future is a problem that worries not only me, but my friends, classmates, parents and teachers. the reason is that at the age of 17 we have to make a very important choice in our life – the choice of a profession. on the one hand, i’m adult enough to have an opinion of my own about what i’m interested in and what i’m good at. on the other hand, at this age we  lack  life experience and our  desires  sometimes don’t  coincide  with ourpossibilities. that’s why it’s very important to have somebody to give us  a piece of advice. such people are our parents, teachers and friends.

as for me, i want to be an economist. i like to read books of economics,  research  articles and analyze them. nowadays this profession has become one of the most useful, modern and interesting. also, i want to study  economics  as i’m very interested in  current  economic processes both in our country and in other countries. it’s not a secret that our country (russia, ukraine, belorussia, kazakhstan) is now through a difficult periods of times. that’s why it’s very important for our country to have  efficienteconomists to raise our economy at a high level.

i hope that i’ll be a good economist. like many other people i would like to spend a year abroad working as an economist. it would give me an  opportunity  to  borrow  the experience and to see the world.

so, i’ll do everything to become a good economist and i’m sure i’ll never  regret  my  decision  to follow this career.

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