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1)you (watch) tv 2) i (have) lunch сделать эти предложения в present и past simple, progressive, perfect в отрицательной и вопросительной форме 50 .

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You (watches) tv, you ( don't watch) tv do you (watch) tv? you (watched) tv you (didn't watch) tvdid you (watch) tv? you are (watching) tv you aren't(watching) tv are you (watching) tv? you have (watched) tv you haven't (watched) tvhave you watched tv? i (have) lunch i don't(have) lunch do i (have) lunch? i (had) lunch i didn't(have) lunch did i (have) lunch? i am (having) lunch i'm not (having) lunch am i (having) lunch? i have had lunch i haven't had lunch have i had lunch?

You don't watch tv (now) i don't have lunch (now)

Ah summer! wonderful time of the year! rest on the sea, trips to museums and on trips! we're having such is celebrated as a festival of street entertainment, the twelfth of august. this festival lasts several days, the streets are filled with noisy crowds. carnivals, parades, concerts, theatrical performances, folk festivals, colorful fairs, contests and attractions – on this day, few remain at home, all lend themselves to universal noisy and cheerful mood. and what a summer ice cream! especially in the resorts! near the sea you can lie and warm feet. and when you come into the shadow, immediately a small shiver runs through the in the summer it is fun! for example on unexpected holidays, summer is the perfect pastime! может подойдёт? переведи, попробуй

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