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Ответьте на вопросы по образцу (употребив present perfect): model: why isn’t nick translating the text? - he has already translated it. 1. why aren’t you reading the book? 2. why isn’t pete opening the window? 3. why ins’t she showing the document? 4. why aren’t you cooking dinner? 5. why isn’t the child drinking the milk? 6. why aren’t they thanking tim? 7. why aren’t you calling the doctor?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i have already read it. 2. peter has already opened it. 3. she has already shown it. 4. i have already cooked it. 5. the child has already drunk it. 6. they have already thanked tim. 7. i have already called him.

1.поле 2.корова 3.дорога 4.сад 5.гора 6.мост 7.три яблука 8.баран 9.кінь 10.річка

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