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Ответить на вопросы • what technological problems of the 5th generation computer system do researchers work at? • what is the difference between input and output units? • what input devices do you know? • what do we use joysticks for?

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Ответы на вопрос:

•какие технологические проблемы компьютерной системы 5-го поколения работают исследователи? • в чем разница между блоками ввода и вывода? • какие устройства ввода вы знаете? • для чего мы используем джойстики?

on weekends i go with my parents (family) to the village to my grandparents. i love being in the country, because there you can run in the street with your friends-neighbors. i can taste grandma's pies, pick and water berries with grandpa. i feel very comfortable in the village, fresh air, huge yard, bikes, in general i ready to live there forever

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