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Переведите текст на язык на завтра : моя семья моя семья -это мама папа я и моя младшая сестра . моя мама добрый человек , всегда поймет и поддержит в трудую минуту.у нас с мамой нет секретов -мы лучшие друзья . мой папа является главой семьи . он работает водителем.мы ему за то , что он делает для нас . моя младшая сестра учится в 6 классе . учится она хорошо . она занимается рукоделием и я тоже . моя семья дружная моя семья много значит для меня. семья-это единственные люди , которые будут всегда любит и понимать меня-это моя семья .люди которые будут всегда любить и понимать меня .

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Ответы на вопрос:

My family my family is my dad's mom and my younger sister. my mother is a very kind person, will always understand and support in a working minute. we have no secrets with my mother, we are the best friends. my dad is the head of the family. he works as a driver. we are very grateful to him for what he is doing for us. my younger sister is in grade 6. she studies well. she does needlework and so do i. my family is very friendly my family means a lot to me. family is the only people who will always love and understand me is my family. people who will always love and understand me.

1. The students are in the Russian Museum.

2. Last month they were in the Hermitage. There was an interesting exhibition.

3. In two weeks they will be in the Tretyakov Gallery. They are lucky.

4. My father is a teacher.

5. He was a pupil twenty years ago.

6. I will be a doctor when i grow up.

7. My sister will not be at home tomorrow.

8. She will be at school.

9. Will you be at home tomorrow?

10. Was your father at work yesterday?

11. My sister was ill last week.

12. She is not ill now.

13. Yesterday we were at the theatre.

14. Where is your mother now? - She is in the kitchen.

15. Where were you yesterday? - I was at the cinema.

16. When i come home tomorrow, all my family will be at home.

17. Is your little sister in bed now? - Yes, she is.

18. Will you be at school tomorrow? - Yes, I will be.

19. When my granny was young, she was an actress.

20.  My friend is in Moscow now.

21. He will be in St. Petersburg tomorrow.

22. Where are your books now? - They are in my bag.

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