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Эссе что я делаю со своей семьёй (en)

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Ispend a lot of time with my family.we go abroad on vacation.in such countries as france, thailand and the arab emirates.we rest there swimming and went on different excursions.on ordinary days we gather with our family and invite guests.we order pizza, rolls and buy different drinks.i really love my family.it would be more free time. я провожу много времени с семьей.мы на каникулах выезжаем за границу.в такие страны как: франция,таиланд и в арабские эмираты.мы отдыхаем ,купаемся и ездим  на разные экскурсии.в обычные дни мы собираемся вместе со своей семьёй и приглашаем гостей.мы заказываем пиццу, роллы и покупаем разные напитки.я люблю свою семью.было бы больше свободного времени.

Ilike my family very much. all members of my family are kind, hospitable and careful. when we have free time we go to the forest. my father can doing a very delicious barbecue. sometimes we don't go anywhere and play games with my family such as monopoly. i like my family and respect all members

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