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3.complete the following sentences with present simple or present continuous: i) i (not/ study) french now. j) we always (play) cards during break time. k) where your granny (live)? l) peter (not/ take) the children to school in the morning. m) what your brother (do) every morning? n) you (talk) a ! o) what john (write) now? p) what’s that noise? peter (play) the guitar. q) we (usually/ travel) to england in summer. r) this kind of animal (eat) meat. s) look! she (speak) to a stranger. t) i’m looking at that girl. she (wear) a beautiful skirt. u) i (never/ drink) wine at night. v) what languages you (speak)?

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I) am not studying j) play k) where does your granny live ? l) doesn't take m) what does your brother do every morning? n) are talking o) what is john writing now? p) is playing q) usually travel r) eats s) is speaking t) is wearing u) never drink v) what languages do you speak?

1. i'm not studying 2. we always play  3. where does your granny live? 4. peter doesn't take 5. what does your brother do every morning? 6. you're talking a lot. 7. what is john writting now? 8. peter is playing the quitar. 9. we usually travel 10. this kind of animal eats meat. 11. she's speaking  12. she's wearing 13. i never drink 14. what languages do you speak?

Cave people hunted to wild animals. there are domestic and wild animals in our life. people can't killing some animals. this animals have in " red book". in "red book" had : some monkeys, dolphins, some fish, white tiger and other animals. древние люди охотились на диких животных. в нашей жизни есть и дикие животные. люди не могут убивать некоторых животных. эти животные есть в "красной книге". в "красной книге" есть : некоторые обезьяны, дельфины, некоторые рыбы, белые тигр и другие животные.

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