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Choose the sentences that have passive voise 1)the storm destroyed the green-house 2)the green-hous was destroyed by the storm 3)bananasare grown in africa 4)america was discovered by columbus 5) english is spoken by 350 million people in the world 6)rare animals are kept and protected in the zoos 7)people can clean the smoke from factories and power stations 8)many famous beautiful buildings are ruined by acid rains

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Sentences 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 have passive voice. 2) зеленый дом был разрушен ураганом 3) бананы выращиваются в африке 4) америка была открыта колумбом 5) на говорят 350 миллионов людей в мире (дословный перевод: разговариваем  350 млн людьми в мире) 6) редкие животные содержатся и охраняются в зоопарках 8) много красивых известных зданий было разрушено кислотными дождями

swift, a famous english writer, was travelling one day on horseback with his servant. the  weather was bad, it was raining, and the roads were muddy. in the  evening the two men came to an inn. before going to bed swift told his servant to clean his boots. but the servant was lazy and did not do it. in the  morning swift asked the servant why he had not cleaned the  boots. "what's the  use of cleaning the boots now? "said the servant. "the  roads are muddy, and the boots will soon be dirty again." "all right,"said the  writer. "let's go. we must continue the  journey." "but i haven't had  breakfast," said the displeased servant." "well, what's the use of giving you  breakfast now? " said swift: "you will soon be hungry again.

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