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Раскрыть скобки, указать время глагола. my grandfather usually (to fish) by the river in the evening. he often (to ride) a horse in summer. they (not to cut) the grass in the gar den two weeks ago. fred (not to ride) a bicycle yesterday. we (to make) a fire in the forest two days ago. we (to spend) a lot of time outdoors last summer. my friends (to visit ) spain last july.

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Ответы на вопрос:

My grandfather usually   fishes (pr. simple)  by the river in the evening. he often rides  (pr. simple)  a horse in summer. they didn't cut (past simple)  the grass in the garden two weeks ago. fred didn't ride  (past simple)  a bicycle yesterday. we made  (past simple)  fire in the forest two days ago. we spent   (past simple)  a lot of time outdoors last summer. my friends   visited  (past simple)  spain last july.

Is ben your best friend? yes, he is. is micki in 6a?           not sure. is sophie a new girl? yes, she is. are you ten?             no, i am 14. are you in 6a? yes, i am.

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