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Please! переведите точно: ещё раньше я ходила на теннис, но по жизненным обстоятельствам не хожу. ещё я ходила в художественную школу мне нравилось! мое день рождение летом, летом так же можно отметить день рождение с родителями и друзьями. это хорошо, потому что можно отпраздновать на море или на природе.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Even earlier i went to tennis, but for life reasons i do not go. i also liked going to the art school! my birthday is in summer, in summer. it's also possible to celebrate the birthday with parents and friends. this is very good, because, you can celebrate on the sea or in nature.

1. has your mother got skis or skates? yes, she has. my  mother has got skis.

2. can your father play hockey or baseball? yes, he can. my  father can play hockey. (обрати внимание)

3. does your sister like to dance on the ice or to watch tv? my  sister likes to dance on the ice.

4. can you skate well? no, i can't. i can't  skate well.

5. have you got skates? no, i  haven't. i haven't got skis.

6. where do you like to skate? i like to skate in the skating rink.

7. with whom do you want to go to the skating rink? i  want to go to the skating rink with my friends.

8. why do you like to go to the skating rink? it's fun. (это весело)

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