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30 1. if you could design a new shopping mall, what would you have have in it? why? 2. do you think shopping online will completely replace physical shopping in the future? why? why not? (я думаю онлайн лутше)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. if i could design a shopping mall i would put a food court in it and a cinema because after doing doing a lot of shopping people usually get hungry. a cinema is a good idea too because than the shopping mall would become a fun place to come with friends because you could go see a movie, eat and shop all in one place. 2.i don't think online shopping will completely replace it because a lot of people like the experience of going to the store. some people also like to look at the things they buy or try them on before they buy it.

Семья, нужна не только для того чтобы обагодить тебя вещами, питанием и т.д. семья, нужна тебе всегда, чтобы дать пару советов для трудной ситуации, поддержать в новых начинаниях успехах, потому что ты у них один и ни кем не заменим.

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