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What kind of volunteering would you like to do ответить на вопрос

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Ответы на вопрос:

Какое добровольчество вы хотели бы сделать это перевод вопроса а ответ ну например бездомным животным.

1)have you ever write to you prime minister?

2)thos os the second time    i made a mistake

3)a: when was the last time you saw  cathy?

    b: ten years ago.

4)a:   how is business go for you at the moment?

    b: right now we don't too well but last year we made quite a substantial profit

5)i was very nervous at the dentist this morning as it was the first time i saw him since october 1992

6) a: how long you have this pain in your shoulder?

    b: for about three months now doctor.

7)you look tired. i hope you don't work too hard at your computer.  

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