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Переписать в косвенную речь 1)he said: "i have just received a letter from my uncle". 2)"i am going to the theatre tonight" ,he said to me. 3)mike said: i spoke to mr.brown this morning. 4)he said : i shall do it today if i have time. 5)lena said : i can give you my uncle address. 6)oleg said : my room is on the second floor. 7)he said : i am sure she will ring me up. 8)misha said : i saw them at my parent's house last year.

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He said that he had just received a letter from his uncle. he said to me that he was going to the theater tonight. mike said that he had spoken to mr brown that morning. he said that he would do it that day if he had time. lena said that she could give me her uncle address. oleg said that his room was on the second floor. he said that he was sure she would ring his up. misha said that he had seen them at his parents ' house the previous year.

Receptionist является именем существительным,мужского рода,значит,он he.тогда отбрасываем варианты have to, don`t have to.получаем,что можно составить лишь такие модальные глаголы:   a receptionist(администратор)  doesn`t have to   и a receptionist has to.теперь разберемся с обычными глаголами: take не подходит,ибо "администратор не может взять публику" work подходит только с послелогом with,потому что с публикой работать можно. deal with переводится как "иметь дело",а иметь дело с публикой можно,тем более,что здесь уже присутствует послелог. do -делать публику нельзя. use -использовать ее тоже нельзя.  поэтому, a receptionist  has to deal with the public.a receptionist  has to  deal with the public.

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