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Der käse - сыр die milch - молоко das brot - хлеб das brötchen - булочка das ei (die eier) - яйцо (яйца) der fisch - рыба der (das) joghurt - йогурт der quark - творог die butter - масло die wurst - колбаса das würstchen - сосиска, колбаска das fleisch - мясо der zucker - сахар das salz - соль das mehl - мука der reis - рис die marmelade - повидло das mineralwasser - минеральная вода  der saft - сок
4,5(86 оценок)

1. i go to the theatre one time per month. 2. no, it is not. a lot of pupul go to this theatre. 3. i like actors who work in this theatre.  i do not like the prices in the theater buffet. 4. yes, i would. i think i can be  objective critic. 5. yes, it is. you can buy it online. 6.  i look forward to the performance. 7. no, i wouldn't. i am bad actor. 8.  when you watch a performance, you are seeing it in real time, it happening right now, but when you wach movie, you know that it is a record and computer graphic

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