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Перевести на 1)дядя джек никогда не казался счастливым человеком, но в тот день он был особенно мрачен. 2) если ты будешь бормотать себе под нос, класс тебя не услышит. обещай мне, что будешь говорить громко. 3)не суетись, я всё сделаю сам. 4) у тигров, кошек, гепардов и львов - лапы, а у быков, коров, овец и свиней - копыта.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1uncle jack never seemed to be happy, but that day he was particularly gloomy. (especially dull). 2 if you're going to mutter to yourself, the class won't hear you. promise me that you will speak loudly.  3 don't make a fuss, i'll do everything by myself.  4 tigers, cats, cheetahs and lions have got paws, and bulls, cows, sheep and pigs have got hooves.

1) when the weather the bad i do my home work. when the weather the bad i play computer games. when the weather the good i play football. when the weather is good i walk with my friend. when the weater is good i went with my parents in the sinema. when the weather is good y walk in the park with my parents. when the weather is bad i cleaned my room. when the weather is sunny ( in the summer) i had a sun baths. when the weather is raining i seat in front of the window and sad. when theweather is snowing i made a snowman.

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